Super Sela Rice

We take pride in offering parboiled Super Sela rice, a refined staple that stands out for its exceptional nutritional value and culinary versatility.
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Health benefits of parboiled Super Sela rice

Rice is one of the most consumed grains on our planet and more than 50% of the world’s population relies on rice as its staple food. Of the many popular varieties of rice eaten globally, one is parboiled super sela rice. 

Parboiled super sela rice is a refined version of rice that is partly cooked. Parboiling is done through 3 stages — soaking, steaming, and drying. The rice that has been parboiled makes it easier to clear away the husk before eating.
Unlike most white rice that is processed by removing the hull, the parboiled rice variety retains the hull and is hydrated and steamed during its processing. This allows the grains to retain the nutrients provided by the bran layer. 

When the rice gets steamed, the vitamins and minerals transfer from the bran to the rice kernel. Parboiling super sela rice improves its texture, makes it fluffier and less sticky, increases its shelf life, and provides numerous health benefits. 

This is what you can order

1. Caravan Rice 2kg x 10 bags = 20kg Master bags

2. Caravan Rice 5 kg x 4 bags = 20 kg Master bags

3. Caravan Rice 10 kg x 2 bags = 20 kg Master bags

4. Caravan Rice 20kg x 1 bags = 20 kg Master bags

This is what you can order: Golden Caravan

1. Golden Caravan 2kg x 10 bags = 20kg Master bags

2. Golden Caravan 5 kg x 4 bags = 20 kg Master bags

3. Golden Caravan 10 kg x 2 bags = 20 kg Master bags

4. Golden Caravan 20kg x 1 bags = 20 kg Master bags

Health benefits of super sela rice

Loaded with carbohydrates and fiber

Parboiled super sela rice is higher in fiber than the most consumed white rice. One cup of parboiled super sela rice satiates 4% to 6% of our daily fiber need. 

This same amount of parboiled rice provides 41 grams of carbohydrates. Moreover, the carbohydrate contents in parboiled super sela rice do not cause a rise in the blood sugar level.

Rich in B vitamins

Parboiled super sela rice is a great source of B vitamins- niacin and thiamine. When combined, these B vitamins digest the sugar and convert the carbohydrate into energy. B vitamins in parboiled rice also help form hormones and neurotransmitters. Folate (Vitamin B9) in parboiled super sela rice helps our body metabolize nucleic acid and amino acids. 

Due to the presence of folate in parboiled rice, eating this rice daily ensures that homocysteine levels in our body stay normal, thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A cup of parboiled super sela rice contains more than 200 micrograms of folate.

Good for gut health:

The starch content in parboiled super sela rice functions as a prebiotic, which means it functions as a fertilizer in your stomach, supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria. Therefore, consuming parboiled super sela rice can be incredibly helpful in keeping your gut healthy.

Rice production process

Drying reduces grain moisture content to a safe level for storage. The significance of drying as a post-harvest process cannot be overstated. It serves as the first line of defense against the deterioration of the rice crop, making it the most critical operation after harvesting. Proper drying not only preserves the rice for future use but also ensures that its nutritional value, texture, and flavor are maintained.
Parboiled rice is rice that has been boiled in the husk. Parboiling makes rice easier to process , improves its nutritional profile, and changes its texture. Parboiling rice drives nutrients, especially thiamine, from the bran into the grain, so that parboiled white rice is nutritionally similar to brown rice. The process of parboiling itself, however, is more than two thousand years old and believed to have originated in the Persian Gulf.

1. Milling & PROCESSING

Milling is a crucial step in post-production of rice. The basic objective of a rice milling system is to remove the husk and the bran layers, and produce an edible, white rice kernel that is sufficiently milled and free of impurities.

Milling starts with the cleaning of rice. This is a multi-step process where foreign material like straws, mud balls, dust , threads, stones, paddy and metal particles are removed from the rice.

2. Polishing

The most sophisticated polishing machines namely vertical abrasive polishers (DSRDs), silky (wet) polishers (BSPCs) & dry friction polishers (DSRLs), in stages to attain any degree of polishing & silkiness as desired by our valued customers. Our latest DSRS whiteness controllers are installed in the polishing lines to indicate degree of polishing of rice being processed to enable our millers to exercise proper control over milling operation in line with our customer’s requirement.

3. Grading

Double polished/silky rice is than passed through our latest Plan Sifters and series of Length Graders (Indented Cylinders) to separate small, medium & large broken from the Head Rice which are collected in separate Bins through Auto Scales indicating the weight of each By-Product being produced.

4. Sorting

Finally the double polished/Silky Head Rice is than led into three color sorting Machines to remove all damaged yellow & discolored grain.

The Export Quality Sorted Rice is first collected in totally enclosed Rice Bins & is packed into bags through our automatic Gross Weight for dispatches to our valued customers.

5. Monitoring

The Plant has a fully Computerized Monitoring System (PLC) and latest MYAF Yield System, which indicates minute to minute information about degree of polishing & Yields of Head Rice, Broken, By-Products, Bran, Husk & Impurities on Monitor Screens enabling engineers & Millers to have absolute control over the quality of rice being produced in our Mill.

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Caravan Rice AS is a premier importer, dedicated to enriching Norway's culinary scene with high-quality rice, walnuts, food oil, and green tea sourced directly from Southeast Asia.
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